Sunday, October 19, 2008


When are we going walkies? Lucky old Woody is getting quite a few walks at the moment.
Not only are there still a huge amount of wild flowers blooming but there are orchids too.

Above - Cottonheads

Quite a few "bob tail lizards" about too.

Above - Looks reptilian but is in fact the remains of a grass tree (Xanthorea)

I still can't stop taking photos of these beautiful flowers!

Click on the images to see them up close.

Above - Coral Vine

Below - Little Pink Fairy Orchids

Below - Scented Sun Orchid
(Thelymitra Macrophylla)
These Sun Orchids are the reason Woody is getting extra walks.
We usually walk mornings and evenings and the Sun Orchids always seemed to be closed. So we went to look at them in the heat of the day and lo and behold the flowers were fully open. (Hence the name dummy!)

And this one is called Blue Lady Orchid
(Thelymitra Crinita)
We thought all the Cowslip orchids had finished but came across these.

Oh, and Woody made a couple of new friends. But he won't be seeing much of them. They are living at the bottom of the pond now.

They are gilgies, freshwater crayfish.

We'd gone looking for some tadpoles and came back with these.
(We haven't named them yet but one suggestion came up... Gill and Mike?)

Not sure how to attract frogs to our pond but had this idea.
We're going to put a sign up down at the local creek:

Come and view this beautifully landscaped pond:

  • alfresco dining;

  • multiple lilly pads provide extensive games area;

  • three storey reeds with valley views;

  • five small fish and two gilgies leasing at present but willing to share...

Be quick! Don't miss out on this one!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Back to the Beach

I am wondering where we're going.
For the last six months all the trips in the car have ended up at the vet's!
Not the park, not the beach, not friends' places - THE VET'S!
There, I had pins stuck in me, a Number One (short hair cut) on both back legs and dreadful things done to them!
The BEACH ! At last!!!
I can dig holes without getting into trouble!

I can bark at absolutely NOTHING!
And best of all... I can get completely and utterly WET!

So many bums to sniff and so little time!

If she calls me I'm not coming! Throw that stick and I'll show you what a marvellous swimmer I am!

Mum couldn't take her eyes off me (understandably) and oops!
Didn't see that wave coming in .. two 'booties'.
Shoes, socks and jeans all wet and squelchy!
Very funny.
So that's it, eh?
It's all over, Rover.

Why can't we stay all day?
Why can't we live here?
I will make it quite plain that I am extremely unhappy, in a deep deep depression and only a really lovely treat will cheer me up.
I'm tired and depressed - LIFT ME into the car please.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Canine Crooner

It's Sunday afternoon and Glenn and Woody
decide that it's sing-song time.
Here is Woody's rendition of "Moon River"...

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Sexy orchids

Click on the photo and zoom in..

if you dare!

There is something very sexy about orchids.

They are so stylish, so feminine, so graceful and elegant.

How can an insect not be attracted to such beauty?

But then, that's the whole idea I suppose!


Went for a long bike ride on the Kep Track near where we live last Sunday.
I can't help myself but take photos of the wildflowers.
So much variety and colour - it takes my breath away.

The Leschanaultia is one of my favourites.

It is such a vibrant blue - sometimes rich and dark,

sometimes fairer but always the colour of the sky.

The Kangaroo Paw seems to pop up from nowhere and there's lots this year.

This Alpaca looked up at me as I passed. He'd been 'chewing' on the sheep's wool
for some strange reason!